The Credentialing Journey

You have successfully completed your QDP!

Your next step is moving through Credentialing, which is the verification of the documents you’ve submitted as well as completion of your occupational health documentation requirements and your security clearances. We understand that the onboarding process for medical government contracting involves multiple phases, and we are committed to guiding you through seamlessly.

We are here to assist you in each of the three steps, so you are in place and ready to start in your new position as soon as possible:

Occupational Health

Matrix Providers will assist you in scheduling all required OC Health appointments.

Please complete these forms to finish this step:


Identification / Security

Next are your security and identification requirements. Please take a moment to view the following tutorials to guide you through this step in your journey.

Please complete these forms to finish this step:


DOD Verification Steps

Your military treatment facility location may have specific requirements in addition to those that you have submitted. Your Credentialing Specialist is available to provide you with the required documentation and guidance to walk you through this final stage in the credentialing process.

Please complete these forms to finish this step: